Wrestlers We Can’t Believe Haven’t Been Signed


ACROSS the globe there are hundreds of indie wrestlers all putting in the hard work for the industry. Most, in not all, of them are absolutely fantastic, a credit to the wrestling community and we love them all.

But, there are a few standouts who we are utterly baffled haven’t been signed by a big company. Of course, we’re glad of this because it means we get to watch them ply their craft at local promotions across the globe.

But we digress…these are the indie wrestlers we, and a bunch of our guests, can’t believe haven’t been signed.

*Please note, we had major difficulty whittling this list down to just a handful.

‘Speedball’ Mike Bailey

One of the most consistent performers on the indie circuit, a fan favourite around the world - having wrestled in the USA, Canada, UK and Japan plus many more.

Speedball is the guy you expect to have match of the night on any card he’s on and we can’t believe no major promotions have nabbed him yet.

Although, we’re not complaining because it means we get to see more of him.

If you need any further proof, just ask his partner Veda Scott who is constantly singing his praises on social media.

As recently as August 4 she tweeted: “Mike Bailey is SOMEHOW unsigned and it’s absolutely RIDICULOUS. He makes everyone better. After YEARS of obstacles, he just keeps excelling”

Gisele Shaw

Over the last few years Gisele Shaw has worked hard and managed to make herself stand out in what is an absolutely packed women’s division in BritWres.

With a skill level and perfect heel persona and look for TV, we can’t believe no major promotion has taken the chance to snap her up.

With six years under her belt already the sky is well and truly the limit for the Canadian star

Cara Noir

The PROGRESS champion is another who you can always rely on to deliver MOTN contenders.

In his most recent run, following wrestling returning, he has been using his status as the top guy in the company to have stand out matches with some of the best up and coming talent like Danny Black and Luke Jacobs to name just two.

‘The Twisted Genius’ Dean Ayass spoke to Grapple Theory about Cara and added his shock that he hasn’t been signed. He told us: “Cara Noir, Tom Dawkins is just one of the most…I don’t understand why he’s…I’m glad he hasn’t been signed, but I don’t understand why he hasn’t been signed. Because he is phenomenal.”

Starboy Charlie

Despite not even being out of his teens, Charlie already has more than half a decade of wrestling behind him and is tipped as one of the biggest and brightest young indie stars in the world.

It may be a bit premature of us to suggest it’s a ‘shock’ that he hasn’t been signed, but he’s genuinely just that good and we’ll be more than shocked if he’s not at a promotion with TV time in the coming years.

If you’re on the west coast of America go and check him out and then tell us you disagree.

Charli Evans

Whether you’re reading this in the UK, Australia or Japan, chances are you know of Charli Evans and will understand what a talent she is.

Her Medusa Complex teammate Millie McKenzie has been signed by NXT UK and we can’t imagine it will be long before a major company comes in for Chevs.

And we’re not the only ones who think so. Joel Bateman from Australian hardcore promotion Deathmatch Downunder has been signing her praise too.

He told Grapple Theory: “When Charli Evans realises how good she is the world is her oyster. The only person that doesn’t think she’s one of the best in the world is her.”

Aussie Open

One of the best indie tag teams in the world, Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis have proven themselves time and again both in BritWres and abroad.

It will be a sad day for the indie scene when they do eventually get signed but we can’t believe they won’t be at some point - they are simply that good.

Luke Jacobs, half of the Young Guns and a third of North West Strong, told us that he considers them ‘the guys’ on indie wrestling - and he’s spot on.

Dan Moloney

Drilla is a guy made for TV, his look, his wrestling style, his character, he’s the whole package.

If you’re able to get to a BritWres show and see him now that shows are back you absolutely should.

He’s held titles across the country, both singles and tag team, and if he’s not holding a belt in a top company in the USA or Japan in the next few years it will baffle us.

Lizzy Evo

Like Gisele Shaw, Lizzy has risen through the ranks to become of the standout performers of this incredible BritWres scene.

Between the two of them, Evo and Shaw hold seven top belts and are absolutely dominant in the division.

Evo is a wrestler who can do it all and isn’t afraid to put her body on the line in the ring to entertain the crowd and win matches with style.

Royce Chambers

Back to Australia now and another tip from our friend Joel Bateman.

Royce Chambers is taking the Aussie scene by storm as one of the best high-flyers in not just the country but the world.

The pandemic cut short his tour with DDT but Japan will have a huge up and coming talent when he eventually goes back

Bateman told Grapple Theory, “The sky’s the limit for that guy. He’s one of the top high-flyers on the planet. More people need to watch Royce Chambers now. So when he gets signed and makes $1 million they can go ‘that’s cool, I knew him then’.”


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