The Best BritWres Stars To Follow on TikTok

We’re living in an increasingly social media-led age and as such plenty of our favourite BritWres stars are using extra social apps to expand their fan base and enhance their character - or even to give fans a peak behind the curtain and what they’re like in reality.

TikTok is a brilliant way plenty of wrestlers do this, but it’s fair to say some are in an elite level of content creation.

With that being said, these are the best BritWres stars you should be following on Twitter.

Lana Austin - @lana_austin1

The Mancunian fills her TikTok with lots of wrestling, plenty of trips she goes on and of course some classic TikTok dancing.

What sold us on her page was her epic Celine Dion impression.

Taonga - @itstaonga

Another BritWres star from Manchester who is nailing TikTok, Taonga’s page has plenty of fire TikTok challenges and loads of content involving the likes of Gia Adams, Alexxis Falcon and more!

Mad Kurt - @themadkurt

This is just a page of Mad Kurt being Mad Kurt, you’ll see him pull off some sick professional wrestling moves but also get beaten up - it’s just what we all love.

Mariah May - @mariahmayx

Mariah May’s TikTok is just a MOOD, simple as that! But then again, did you expect anything less from The Glamour!

Gia Adams - @gia.adams

The Hardest Hitting Lass from the North East brings plenty of humour to her page, a little behind the scenes wrestling training and, most recently, some amazing dancing from Big Guns Joe!

Man Like Dereiss - @manlikedereiss

As well as a few wrestling clips the real highlight of Dereiss’ TikTok is his quite frankly remarkable gym and workout routines - the man is a machine!

Amira Blair - @amiraxblair

If make-up or just absolutely hilarious behaviour are your thing you should check out this page. Amira hasn’t updated her page in a while though, so if you’re reading this Amira…more content pleaseeee!

Lizzy Evo - @lizzyevo0

The Scouse sensation posts plenty of hilarious clips from her home life, lots of dancing - not all of it good - and plenty of gym workouts.

Dean Allmark - @deanallmark

Even a 20+year veteran is getting in on the game! A lot of wrestling and workout content fills Dean’s page but there’s also some truly hilarious dancing.

Debbie Keitel and Gene Munny

We’ve grouped these two together because, from what we can see, both have TikTok pages but neither have posted any videos at all.

It seems a shame because we’d love to see the type of brilliant short clips the pair could create!


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