Booking the Ultimate UK vs Australia Indie Dream Card

RIGHT! Well, we’ve covered our dream UK vs Japan and UK vs USA dream cards, now it’s time to head to the land down under and do the same - pitting our favourite Australian indie stars against some of the best in British wrestling.

You can check out our UK vs Japan list here, and our UK vs USA card here

So without any further babble, let’s get going!

Jessica Troy vs Harley Hudson

Credit: @jessicatroypro/@tonyknox99/@harleyhudsonx

It would be great to see Australia’s resident' ‘Arm Collector’ take on one of British wrestling’s fastest rising stars. This battle would definitely be one of wills and fortitude.

Callen Butcher vs Robbie X

Credit: @jakehurdlephotography/@callenbutcherpw/@britwrespics/@robbie_x_

Two of the most underrated wrestlers in the entire world of independent wrestling. Their mix of styles would work together brilliantly and could genuinely put on a match of the year contender!

Tarlee vs Gia Adams

Credit: @starlee/@digital_beard/@wrestlerock/@stompphotography/@giawrestler

HARD AS NAILS! That’s the only way to describe how intense this match would be. Two women who would leave it all in the ring and be ready to brutalise each other for the victory.

Joel Bateman vs Session ‘Goth’ Martina

Credit: @thesmash_hit/@lunarosephotographynz/@tonyknox99/@session_moth_martina

Of course we had to have Australia’s deathmatch king involved in a match and who on the British (and Ireland) scene would be crazy enough to take him on? Of course the Session Goth, she would be right up for getting hardcore!

Mick Moretti vs Cara Noir

Credit: @fullrapscallion/@newphotographystudios/@caranoirpw/@tonyknox99/@thisis_progress

Two very different wrestlers, two very different characters, two very different styles but two wrestlers that know how to make magic in the ring. This would be a theatrical and hard hitting contest.

Shazza McKenzie vs Rhio

Credit: @shazza_mckenzie/@videoboyjax/@rhio_wrestler/@sandysmithphotography

These two have faced off before in a three way at Tidal, that also involved Holidead, but we’d love to see them go one-on-one.

That match was back in 2019 and both have developed so much since then and this would be an unbelievable battle!

Charli Evans vs Clint Margera

Credit: @charlievanspro/@sandysmithphotograpy/@clintdmw/@stompphotography

And it’s only right we end with two more deathmatch specialists, right? Charli may be beloved in the UK but we’d have her representing Australia against the man who is probably most synonymous with deathmatches in the UK.


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