Review: Purpose Wrestling - Under The Storm
Credit: Purpose Wrestling
Purpose Wrestling: Under The Storm
Merton Arts Space, Wimbledon, London
Friday, October 8, 2021
After two successful shows, Purpose Wrestling return with their third offering in as many months - Under the Storm.
As a first experience of Purpose I was pleasantly surprised, the venue being Wimbledon Library made for a unique experience and you can always get into a bit of light reading during the interval.
NIC vs Teens With Attitude
Credit: Purpose Wrestling
NIC took on the Teens with attitude to start the show with a bang. It was a strong ,hard hitting opening contest which got the crowd going and made for entertaining viewing. NIC picked up the win to continue their impressive start to life at Wimbledon’s new wrestling promotion.
The O.J.M.O vs Fabio Romano
Credit: Purpose Wrestling
Next up was the O.J.M.O, embracing new heel persona, against Fabio Romano.
Romano got a great reception, with fans delighted to have him back. He may not have been so happy to be back as O.J.M.O attacked him before bell, throwing his hat away to add insult to injury.
A barrage of tough chops and kicks were laid into Romano as O.J.M.O picked up the win - but Romano definitely has more to offer now he’s back!
After the match O.J.M.O cuts a promo, seemingly confused as to why he’s not being booed. He states that if fans want to boo him it could send things “down a road we never come back from”.
Read on for more on that…..
Sunshine Machine vs Roy Johnson and Billy Haze
The next contest saw Sunshine Machine bring their usual brand of fun to the ring as they face ‘Big Wavy’ Roy Johnson and Billy Haze - a late replacement for the ill Warren Banks (get well soon Warren).
As you’d expect from TK and Mambo the match was packed full of flips, jumps and throws that really amped the crowd up. But much like Roy’s beloved Crystal Palace a couple of weeks ago against rivals Brighton, he and Haze slipped up late on and allowed Sunshine Machine to pounce for the win.
Laura Di Matteo vs Ava White
Credit: Purpose Wrestling
After the break Laura di Matteo beat Ava White in a fairly simple match. Coming straight after break probably didn’t help their cause and their chemistry wasn’t 100% there.
Ava has all trappings to be a top heel she just needs time and facing experienced opponents like Laura will help that.
Then Amira Blair got her time to shine hosting the raffle. She did it with gusto and if she’s even half as energetic when in the ring the David Francisco should book her up asap!
Also, Amira you didn’t draw my numbers - what’s up with that!?
David Francisco vs Mad Kurt
Credit: Purpose Wrestling
And speaking of Mr Francisco he was next up at his fledgling promotion against the man we all love to hate, Mad Kurt.
Kurt is funny as ever and worked off crowd well, even if their chants of “You’re not relevant anymore,” cut to his very core.
A good match but in all honesty it ran a bit long, after the third barrage of exhausted slaps from Kurt it seemed a little repetitive. Eventually Kurt gives up and let’s Francisco beat him.
Doug Williams vs Jordon Breaks
Credit: Purpose Wrestling
The main even sees a technical master class from two of the best in the BritWres scene - the veteran Doug Williams and the Young star slowly making a name for himself, Jordon Breaks
Ring announcer Jessy promised a “banger” and she was pretty spot on!Hold reversal after hold reversal was the order of the day and the pair even worked a few laughs in there as Doug took control and Jordon fought from underneath.
The win comes out of nowhere as Breaks reverses a Williams hold into a pin, even he looked stunned by the outcome.
Following the contest four masked figures come out to attack Breaks and Williams. Francisco comes out to try and get hold of his promotion but the numbers game is too much.
Following the beat down they reveal themselves as Destination Everywhere, let of course by O.J.M.O - is this the road he mentioned at the start of the show?
This sets up a match for Purpose’s next show in December - Puppies Are Forever.
Some closing observations: a strong enough showing from a new promotion and it’s nice to see storylines already being woven.
A couple of negatives: on a six match card to have only one women’s match is disappointing - hopefully there will be more representation down the line.
And the crowd, in my mind, were positioned too close to the ring. A few dives to the outside were far too close to the audience for comfort. But both of those issues that are easily fixable.
But the venue is unique, the crowd grew into the show as it went on and if done right Purpose has the potential to be a real mainstay in what is an already bustling London wrestling scene.
And finally, if there’s not at least two puppy dogs on the next show, considering the name, it will be a let down…