REVIEW: Purpose Wrestling - Puppies Are Forever
Purpose Wrestling: Puppies Are Forever
Merton Arts Space, Wimbledon. London
Friday, December 10, 2021
Reviewer: Dave Sewell (@davesewell0409)
Credit: @purposewrestling
My son and I started out leaving at quarter past four, looking to get to Wimbledon for 18:15, which we achieved.
We then headed to McDonalds and had our dinner, before proceeding to Starbucks for a pre-match coffee. After this, we headed to the venue, where I met up with two of my friends, Adam and Chris.
After entry I met with more of my friends, had a quick chat, and the show began. As the ring announcer, Chris Hatch, entered the atmosphere built for Purpose Wrestling’s fourth show.
Laura Di Matteo vs Kira Chimera
Credit: @purposewrestling
The first time I saw Kira was against LDM at Pro Wrestling Eve, so this was a nice little throwback for me. Always liked Kira because she’s got an ‘I’ll kick your arse’ attitude, which was on show here, with some good ground and [ound on Laura. Plus her impressive as always Tornado Suplex out of the corner.
LDM fought back with an Enzuigiri Superkick/DDT combination, which got a close fall. Eventually LDM got the win with a Grounded Octopus.
Billy Haze vs Nico Angelo
Credit: @purposewrestling
Nico has bulked up over lockdown and really did lay in some wince inducing kicks. This match was an absolute banger with many highlights top one being Billy giving Nico a Big Bang Theory on the stage with Nico only just beating the count.
The end came shortly after, with Nico hitting two consecutive ripcord Death Valley Drivers. This was the best I have ever seen Billy Haze too, both guys looked strong.
Jordan Saeed and RJ Singh vs Two Good Eggs (JJ Lynch and Rex Armstrong)
Credit: @purposewrestling
Both teams attacked each other before the bell, as this was billed as a grudge match and was a good old fashioned tag with the faces in control of the early part.
That was until JJ took out Rex with an errant suicide dive leading to a extended beatdown with plenty of distractions and cheap shots behind the refs back.
Towards the end RJ had JJ in the Ethnic Submission Camel Clutch, while Jordan had Rex in the same move. This looked like the end but Rex powered out and tumbled into RJ before either tapped or passed out.
In the end, while Jordan was arguing with the ref Rex superkicked RJ for the pin and the win.
This brought the first half of the show to an end, pretty good first half of the show with the undoubted highlight being Billy vs Nico. When that match goes on YouTube I highly recommend watching it.
Oli Peace and Jay Alexander vs Elijah and Skye Smitson accompanied by LK Mezinger
Credit: @purposewrestling
We started off with Oli offering his hand to Skye with Skye looking none too impressed, prompting a chant of “give Peace a chance”, which brought a laugh from the crowd and a smile to Skye’s face.
It didnt matter tough as she flipped Oli off anyway. This was a good match which I thought was spoiled by a baffling end.
LK was on the outside and starting attacking Oli. Now, I’m all for a bit of outside interference, after all theyre heels it’s expected. But when its a sustained attack round three sides of the ring and the ref looks straight at it, how on earth is that not a DQ or at the very least a sending back to the dressing room.
Instead, absolutely nothing was done to punish LK, which had more than a few of us scratching our heads. This led to the end coming with a Skye Cross Rhodes on Jay Alexander.
Ava vs Safire Reed
Credit: @purposewrestling
Time of a bit of Ava appreciation in the library.
Safire has been getting a few bookings as of late and is being touted as having a lot of potential, having the nickname of ‘Grappling Goddess’ and as one of my friends pointed out has the look of young Jetta.
Safire had the early going of the match until an attempted crossbody was caught by Ava who then took control. Personally I quite like Ava’s moves with quite a few gymnastic inspired attacks and I absolutely love her backbreaker. I think this is because, with how tall Ava is, the opponent comes down from such a height it is impressive to watch. Her facial expressions are also spot on. Ava won this with a Neutraliser.
Destination Everywhere {The OJMO, Connor Mills and The NIC vs David Francisco, Nino Bryant, Jordon Breaks and ???
Credit: @purposewrestling
This match was originally going to feature Doug Williams, but due to the new travel laws he had to withdraw. This left the team of Francisco, Bryant and Breaks wondering who their fourth member would be.
The match started with OJMO saying it was now a handicap match and they could ”kiss his ring”, which lead to a smack in the kisser from Francisco and a multi-man brawl.
The faces started out on top but quickly became overcome by the numbers game. That’s when the lights when out and a figure slithered into the ring appearing behind OJMO.
The lights came on and it was revealed to be Solomon Lamb - OJ looked like he’d seen a ghost. For those who dont know, Solomon did a suicide dive on the first Purpose show, splitting his head open on a chair leading to the show being stopped.
On the second show he was halfway through a promo thanking everyone for the good wishes when OJMO’s music hit. A true shithouse move which led to Solomon walking away.
This match was chaos, in a good way, with credit to OJMO and Connor for selling their asses off. But, the star of this match was Jordan Breaks - who at one point had both the NIC in two separate submission holds at once.
This looked like it could get the tap before Mills made the save just in time. Nino Bryant was flipping around with some great reversals as well.
The end was bloody amazing it was down to Jordan Breaks v All of Destination Everywhere when he took a devastating Black Flag.
The NIC grabbed him by the arms and legs threw him up into the air for a OJMO frog splash followed by a 450 by Mills who then pinned him with a Euro Clutch to rub it in.
Brilliant match and right result for this this as I think the heel stable should be allowed to build before the inevitable downfall.
I loved the Destination Everywhere storyline in Battle Pro so it will be interesting to see where this one at Purpose goes.
On I side note, the ring gear of DE on Connor and OJMO is fantastic, with the half crab and true grit logos in neon pink on silver and a logo on one of the black knee pads in neon pink.
Overall, another good show from Purpose Wrestling with the title of Puppies are Forever being one of the greatest titles ever.
If you are in two minds about giving a Purpose show a look I would highly recommend it. There is a good mix of wrestlers and a family friendly feel about the crowd.
There was an announcement about the next show where they will start an eight man tournament to determine the first Purpose champion. Also announced was Northwest Strong’s Chris Ridgeway and Luke Jacobs vs The Nic.
That brings to end my first ever solo review, thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it