Halloween Horrors: The Spookiest Indie Wrestlers

The spookiest time of the year is here once again and it’s filled with frights and horrors around every corner.

To celebrate we’re taking a look at the spookiest wrestlers on the indie scene and what makes them so scary.


Credit: Instagram @holideadandi

A fairly obvious one to start us off, Holidead’s distinctive face paint gives her a spooky and enigmatic aura which we definitely wouldn’t be stood across the ring from.

Charles Crowley and Clementine

Credit: Instagram @crowleycarnival

Well this is another obvious one right? The two members of the Big Dangerous Scary Mammals (BDSM) have ‘Scary’ right there in the name - so they must be right, right?

Max the Impaler

Credit: Instagram @_theyaremax_

The hair, the tattoos, the outfit, the bane-esque mask - everything about the Non-binary nightmare has terrifying written all over it. Don’t mess with them!


Credit: Instagram @kaggylove

Kaggy burst onto the BritWres scene and sent gasps around halls and community centres across the country. Her zombie-ish look is haunting and the way she walks to the ring is just as spooky.

Nick Gage

Credit: Instagram @nickgage477441c

There’s no gimmick with Nick Gage, he’s a certified badass that you’d be terrified to be stuck in the ring with. Proving that you don’t need a costume to be Halloween’s scariest monster. And with the MDK army behind him we’re staying way clear.


Credit: Instagram @danhausenad

The man who is both very nice and very evil had to make our spookiest wrestlers list. If you check his Instagram, in recent weeks alone he’s been spooking the likes of MJF, John Cena and Minoru Suzuki.

Natsuko Tora

Credit: @stardom

Over in Japan, Tora is another star that has a terrifying aura. Like Gage, her spookiness doesn’t come from any sort of costume but from the fact that she is a monster in the ring and we’d probably pee our pants if we had go to head-to-head with her.


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