BritWres Stars To Watch In 2022
Another year has been and gone and with so many wrestlers and companies thriving it’s only reasonable to expect even bigger things to come in 2022.
Last year, to celebrate shows returning, we did a list of BritWres Stars To Watch - all of whom we thought had incredible years. You can read that here.
So this year it’s time we did the same. So here are the stars of BritWres you should keep your eye on in 2022.
Chantal Jordan
Credit: @chantaljordan_/@olisandler
Jordan has been absolutely tearing up the British scene as of late, taking no prisoners in her quest to make it to the top.
2021 saw her debut for a number of new companies and at the end of the year got her hands on the Kamikaze Pro Relentless Championship.
Next year will be a breakout year for the 18-year-old, you can count on that!
Warren Banks
Credit: @manlikebanks/@tonyknox99
A current double champion, holding the top titles in Wrestle Island and the RCWA, Banks had a stellar 2021 and looks set to continue that momentum into this year.
We’re hoping that Banks will bring more success to not only himself but also the stable he is part of, The ‘87. If he can capture more singles and tag gold this year it will be considered a huge success.
Rebecca Reznor
Credit: @rebeccareznor/@stompphotography
The Blues Eyes White Dragon only took her first steps in BritWres last year, having moved over from Ireland.
But Reznor is already making waves on these shores and looking to follow in the footsteps of other Irish imports who have become stars in the UK.
The goal for Reznor should be to debut in some bigger promotions, but if a title comes along with it then that would be awesome too!
Ivy and Brady Phillips
Credit: @ivy_wrestler/@forecastdesigns
We could’ve put these two in as separate entries but we thought we’d pair them up and give room for one extra entrant.
Starting with Ivy, the Queen of Monsters is one of the most badass stars in BritWres at the moment. By the time you read this she may will have made her EVE debut and you can bet she’ll only rise faster after that.
Meanwhile, Brady is cementing himself as one of the toughest competitors in the country, putting on some incredible matches in 2021. He’ll be one to watch in Wrestle Carnivals upcoming Carnival of Champions.
Credit: @itstaonga/@stompphotography
Taonga really would’ve suited our list last year, hindsight is a wonderful thing. But that means we had to mention her this time around.
The Manchester-based star picked up both the Odyssey Pro and Futureshock women’s titles last year and will surely add to that trophy haul this year.
Kameron Solas
Credit: @kameronsolas
His feud with Scott Oberman has really thrown both men into the spotlight as both really shone in TNT Ignition in 2021.
Solas also won the Ignition Rumble in 2021, he’s surely set for a huge push at the Liverpool promotion and beyond in the next 12 months.
Harley Hudson
Credit: @harleyhudson/@minionportraits
The nine stone of pure Scouse power could be one of the biggest stars in BritWres in 2022 and we really hope she is.
She’s slowly been rising up the ranks and making a name for herself. At the time of writing she’s on the sidelines with an injury, but come spring we’re sure she’ll come back better than ever!
Credit: @jackbandicoot94/@stompphotography
Over the last couple of years the tag team of ‘The Pop Punk Kid’ Jake Silver and Jack Bandicoot have broken out of their northern wrestling hub and are ready to take that next step.
More bookings in the south in 2022 will cement the fact that Crashboat are not just one of the best teams in the north but in the country.
Amber Jo
Credit: @theamberjo_pro/@magicmartin666
The Notorious Angel spent the back end of 2021 making waves and those waves are only set to raise higher and higher in the next 12 months.
Amber Jo is already a history maker but more history will surely be made in 2022 as she continues her climb to the top of the mountain.
Will Kroos
Credit: @willkroos/@stompphotography
It’s almost impossible to look at an event poster in the north of England without seeing Will Kroos and most of them include him holding some sort of gold.
They don’t call him The Headline for nothing, he’s already the top dog at Tidal and BWR but we wouldn’t be surprised in a title run at North came along soon.