Indie Wrestlers as Disney Characters
WE ALL love some classic Disney movies don’t we? Whether it’s Lion King, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid or anything else it’s always a good way to spend an evening in.
We know plenty of wrestlers love Disney and so we’ve taken it upon ourselves to compare our favourite stars to some of our favourite movie characters.
It should be said, we’re not counting any Disney recent purchases; so no Star Wars, Marvel, Simpsons etc. Only from classic Disney movies
Let us know if we missed any…
Gene Munny - Genie
Credit: @elainewilson25/@gene_munny/Disney
This is an obvious one right? Genie Munny? No? Just me? But to be fair Gene is a larger than life character, beloved by all and perfectly able to grant wishes - as long as your wish is to be entertained by a wrestling match for 10-30 minutes.
Alexxis Falcon - Ariel
Credit: @tonyknox99/@alexxisfalcon/Disney
Okay, the hair plays a bit of a part in this choice but I think I’ve figured out an actual link.
Before lockdown Alexxis was a wrestler who was hidden away, as one of the best kept secrets of British wrestling, but since coming back she’s burst onto the land and is now one of the stars of the scene.
Did I manage it?
Lana Austin - Ursula
Credit: @tonyknox99/@lana_austin1/Disney
If Alexxis is Ariel then she needs a rival and who better to fill that role than the evil Lana Austin. The fact these two shared a brilliant rivalry this year helps lend credit to this choice.
RJ Singh - Peter Pan
Credit: @theheaddrop/@kingrjsingh/Disney
Okay seriously, does RJ Singh ever age? He’s been on the scene for yearsssss and is still just as athletic and able to put on cracking matches as when he started. Truly ageless.
The Ava - Maleficent
Credit: @theheadrop/@theavapro/Disney
Mirror, Mirror on the wall who's the fairest one of all? She’s evil, scheming and happy to do whatever it takes to get her way. To be fair, given that coat we could’ve gone Cruella De Vil as well.
Adam Maxted - Hercules
Credit: @adammaxted/Disney
Another obvious one, right? The muscled bound athlete is capable of making any opponent quake in their boots….and Maxted isn’t bad either I suppose.
Mad Kurt and Harry Chapman - Chip and Dale
Credit: @beyondgorilla/@themadkurt/Disney
Two brothers, battling against the rest of the world, with nothing but love and respect for each other and they take on any challenge that stands in their way….sure, that’ll work out.
Ivy - Donald Duck
Credit: @wrestleography/@ivy_wrestler/Disney
She’s just always angry, isn’t she? Ivy always has a bone to pick with someone and looks constantly fed up with either her opponent or the crowd booing her. Such a grump.
Doug Williams - Mufasa
Credit: @elainewilson25/@dougwilliamsgb/Disney
Lion Kid would’ve been too obvious of a choice so we went for the obvious king of the jungle, Doug Williams. The undisputed wrestler of British wrestling who looks over all his kingdom - but who will turn out to be his Scar?
Mariah May - Elsa
Credit: @mariahmayx/Disney
She’s cold as ice and rules over her icy kingdom, we’re not sure what her singing is like but if you every try and say anything bad about her she might just tell you to ‘let it go’….okay she may be a bit ruder than that.