REVIEW: Pro Wrestling EVE - Revolt, Resist, Riot

Pro Wrestling EVE: Revolt, Resist, Riot
The 229, London
Friday, January 7
Reviewer: Jamie Walker (@walker_this_way)

There’s a lot of shit going on in the world at the moment, but the good folks at EVE were eager to make sure 2022 started with a bang! 

Revolt, Resist, Riot was the first show of the company’s double header weekender. This first show took place at the famous 229 and although the crowd was all seated, the performers and fans definitely benefitted from the bigger room. 

Ivy vs Lana Austin

Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE

First up was the Queen of Monsters, Ivy, making her EVE debut against Lana Austin. The crowd were firmly behind the Mancunian from the very start, something which ticked Ivy off. 

As you’d expect from this pair, this was a hard hitting affair in which brutal shots and forceful blows were exchanged. 

It was Austin who won the contest with a draping DDT off the middle rope. But Ivy left on top as she attacked Lana after the bell with her iconic baseball bat. 

A strong showing from Ivy in her first EVE appearance and we hope she’ll be back soon, she definitely will in Lana has anything to say about it. 

Rhio vs Debbie Dahmer 

Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE

I have to say, there is a certain buzz that comes with announcer Lolo Brow stating Rhio is ‘representing North West Strong’. She’s worked hard for her place in one of the finest stables in BritWres and does them justice. 

She made sure Debbie Dahmer was aware of her ability before the bell rang, attacking her prior to the contest officially starting

Despite this heelish behaviour, Rhio was still the clear fan favourite. It may take a few more appearances and a bit more story work for Debbie to get over with the crowd - especially against the more popular heels in the company. 

Rhio won this one fairly comfortably but Debbie did have her moments. A top rope flying neck breaker was incredible and when she did a handstand from the apron to the floor that was *chefs kiss* 

Ava vs Jetta 

Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE

Ava took the mic before the match started and cut a swift heel promo. It generated her some much needed heat going into the match. She was looking to continue her undefeated streak against the former EVE champion. 

We’ll never get tired of hearing Jetta serenaded by the fans to the tune of Carly Simon’s Nobody Does It Better. It puts the crowd behind her from the off, as if they wouldn’t be anyway. 

Jetta is the perfect person for Ava to learn from in terms of both her in-ring and crowd work. Some fierce slaps to the chest echo around the 229 and when she steals Ava’s white fur coat it just completes the look. 

When she rips it off to attempt a People’s Elbow it gets a huge pop - it’s a shame she missed the move and allowed Ava to capitalise. 

Ava got some impressive offence in here, Jetta made her look great and at one point it looked like she was about to pull off a shock win. 

But it wasn’t to be as Jetta won by submission to end Ava’s short undefeated streak. Hopefully we’ll see the Princess Diana of Pro Wrestling back in the title picture soon. 

Alexxis Falcon vs Chantal Jordan

Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE

This was the second time in two nights that Falcon and Jordan had faced off - the former had won another great contest 24 hours prior at TNT Extreme. Out for revenge was Chantal. 

Both these women got a fantastic reception but Alexxis probably had the crowds favour more…that was until she asked for ‘silence so she could concentrate’. Then, any cheers for her seemed simply designed to distract her. 

Chantal Jordan is going to be a star, mark my words. She’s got that classic bruiser/mma look and the skills to match. She just needs the crowd behind her a bit more, but that will come with more appearances, especially in London and further south where she’s a less frequent performer. 

Meanwhile, Falcon is in the midsts of the best run of her career, she’s dominating the British scene and making herself known nationwide. 

Falcon looked to have the match won at one point, but when Chantal got her foot on the bottom rope Falcon’s face was picture perfect and simply shocked. 

However, just like at TNT, Falcon did pick up the victory. What a battle this was, undoubtedly match of the first half of the show. 

Amira Blair vs Skye Smitson 

After the break we had a match that I don’t remember being announced for the show but we definitely weren’t disappointed when Amira Blair came out busting some sweet moves. 

She was taking on Skye Smitson, who came out clearly attempting her best NWO air guitar impression. She took to the mic immediately and berated the crowd, especially an unidentified man in a beanie and even our reviewer Iwan. 

She insists on not being cheered, even threatening violence on those that do, but those requests fall on deaf ears. 

Amira is still relatively new to BritWres but is learning the ropes fast. Most people, however, could do without being dismantled by someone as cold and calculating at Smitson. 

To her credit Amira starts strong and gets in some early shots, but it’s the Uprising member who picks up the win, with a helping hand from Livvii Grace of course. 

It didn’t end there as the pair continued the beatdown on Blair. 

This match had a weird dynamic as the on/off heel Blair tried to slowly get the crowd on her side, but both used some nefarious means to gain the upper hand at certain points which almost negated that.   

Charlie Morgan vs Laura di Matteo

Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE

Then it was time for our semi-main event, the first time meeting of Laura di Matteo and  Charlie Morgan, with a shot at the EVE International Championship on the line. 

Given that these two are both veterans of EVE, it’s frankly shocking this is their first meeting but boy was it worth the wait. 

A battle of technical wrestling starts the contest and while the pair share a mutual respect they go all out for that title shot. 

Like Falcon and Jordan earlier in the night, this was an all out war and one that delighted the crowd.  A tope to the outside by Di Matteo even cleared out the ref. 

The later this match went the more of a brawl it became, with the action spilling to the outside and Morgan being introduced to the chairs via a throw from Laura. 

It was the Italian who won the contest with a Tombstone to become the new number one contender to the International Championship of Kasey Owens. 

The pair shared a handshake and hug at the end which was a lovely gesture. 

This was an absolutely cracking match and one that most main events would hate to follow. 

However this main event saw a huge return….

Charli Evans vs Emersyn Jayne 

Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE

After nearly two years away Charli Evans made her triumphant to return to BritWres and EVE in a brutal Riot and Bleed Deathmatch. 

Boy it was good to see her back and the crowd LOVED it! 

The chants of “welcome back” were great and Charli’s reaction was heartwarming. But once the niceties had been observed the battle truly began. 

It wasn’t long before the weapons were out, chairs in the hands of both competitors. 

They both took a seat, faced each other and swung punches wildly - it was beautiful! Staple guns were introduced and we waited for the crimson to come. 

The key stipulation of the match was that you could only pin your opponent if they were bleeding, which while intriguing does seem a little redundant in a deathmatch.

Charli’s time in Australia and the USA has given her an even more brutal streak. Meanwhile, Emersyn has had plenty of hardcore battles in both EVE and TNT.

Charli is the first to bleed, but then again she also put a staple in her own hear unprovoked so are we really surprised?

Of course, these two don’t need weapons to have a fantastic match - and parts of this contest certainly proved that, with the pair showcase their hard hitting in ring ability with some epic throws, kicks and punches. 

The thumbtacks make an obligatory appearance and are buried right into the head and neck of Charli to end the contest. 

There aren’t enough words to describe how good this match was, you really just need to go and watch it. 

Emersyn retains the title and her and Chevs have put on a brilliant match to welcome the Aussie back to the UK.

Emersyn left Charli in the ring to soak up the praise on her return to the UK and it’s great to see her back!

This was a fairly solid showing from EVE and a good way to start the weekend and the year. The battles between Falcon and Jordan or Morgan and Di Matteo would probably be my matches of the night. Two fantastic contests.

If there’s one negative to be found it’s that the scheduled start time once again differed from the actual start time. 

I understand shows run late sometimes but when it’s already a late start time an even later start doesn’t help. I feel for people who travel from outside of London and may have to rush for the last train home. 

But as I say that’s a minor point in an ultimately strong showing from the Riot Grrrls of Pro Wrestling. 


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