Promotions To Check Out When Wrestling Returns

IF YOU’VE become tired of the mainstream promotions during the pandemic, you’re not alone.

But luckily there are plenty of promotions to get stuck into once wrestling returns fully.

We’ve made it our duty to find the companies you should give a chance in a post-Covid world.

Maybe you’ve already been to some of them and can confirm how good they are…

Riptide Wrestling

The Brighton promotion has incredible cinematography and can be credited for letting under-the-radar talent shine.

The Brighton promotion has already been making a name for itself with its unique camerawork and pushing of young British talent. 

Before the pandemic they put all eyes on Cara Noir when they put him in a five-star contest against an AEW-bound Pac.

Wrestle Carnival

After a series of intriguing promos and signings, we can’t wait to see what the first Carnival brings to town.

It promises to be so much more than you’re average trip to the graps – and with names like Spike Trivet, Lizzy Evo, Doug Williams and many more already involved you’d be a fool not to check it out.

They’ve also announced a huge crossover show with Ring of Honour which is quite the way to announce yourself to the BritWres community.

Wrestle Carnival.jpeg

Catch Pro Wrestling

This summer Catch are looking to return with a bang with their Great British Heritage tournament.

Joe Nelson won the tournament last year, pinning Spike Trivet in the final seconds of a 30-minute fatal four way, and this year is set to be even more stacked.

White Wolf Wrestling

Over in the continent, Madrid’s Triple W have been one of Europe’s shining lights for independent wrestling.

The company likes to push up and coming European talent but also brings in brought in names like Mike Quackenbush and A-Kid prior to the pandemic.

Paris is Bumping

In America, Paris Is Bumping brought something totally new to wrestling in October and will be huge once Billy Dixon brings it back. 

The show is more than just grappling and branched into other forms of entertainment to delight the audience.

Attack! Pro Wrestling

Like Riptide, Attack! are on hiatus with an unannounced return date - but we hope it’s soon.

Plenty of BritWres favourites are regulars at Attack! And it will be a great chance to catch up on the indie stars that make wrestling in the UK so special.

This article was written by Jamie Walker, you can follow him on Twitter @Walker_This_Way


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