Indie Wrestling Stars as MasterChef Contestants

We have some extraordinary talent in the indie wrestling community, some unbelievable wrestlers and more importantly for the purposes of this article some unbelievable cooks!

We’d love to see some of our favourite wrestlers head into the MasterChef kitchen and test their skills in front of the judges. And rest assured, if we ever win the lottery we’ll be making this show a reality.

Let’s take a look at our contestants;

Nina Samuels

Instagram: @ninasamuels123/@y2jimbob

We all know that everything in life needs more Nina and her baking skills are the stuff of legend around the BritWres community. Now she’s started selling her baked goods at the merch stand I can confirm the hype is real, she is a seriously good baker. We’d love to see how she’d fare under the pressure of the MasterChef kitchen.

Luigi Primo

Instagram: @luigiprimopwr

From the BritWres baker to America’s best wrestling pizza chef; Luigi Primo is an obvious contender for MasterChef. We know his pizza tossing skills are top notch, but the judges may want something a little more than pizza as the competition goes on.

Gene Munny

Instagram: @gene_munny/@stompphotography

I’m not sure what Gene Munny’s cooking skills are like, but who wouldn’t want to see the Damn Dirty Dog in the kitchen and primed for this competition. He’d definitely make something wacky and wild that would stun the judges (but not necessarily in a good away).

Effy and Allie Katch

Instagram: @thealliekatch/@nickkarpphotos

It’s fair to say that Bussy would make some Bussin food, it would likely be something way too over the top and creative - but definitely naughty. This would be a mega x-rated dish…wonder if they’ll give us any hints of what it would be.

Clint Margera

Credit: @clintdmw/@iwilburnart

Have you ever seen death match cooking? Cos that’s what Clint would be bringing to the table. It would look dangerous and bloody, as long as the shards of glass are sugar then I guess that’s safe.

Charli Evans

Instagram: @charlievanspro/@newphotographystudios

I’ve heard that MasterChef is pretty big is Australia, so we’d need one of our indie friends down under to make some traditional Aussie food. We’re talking Lamington, Fairy Bread and absolutely something with Vegemite.

Sunshine Machine

Instagram: @puretkc/@bearvisionmedia

We’d love to see TK and Mambo together in the kitchen! They would be causing chaos from the very start and having an absolute blast! Just make sure no beachballs end up in the food.

Mariah May

Instagram: @mariahmayx/@stardom

She’s out in Japan with Stardom at the moment and absolutely thriving, but when she comes back we think she’d have a nice knowledge of Japanese food that would see her go far in the contest….Japanese food is the best after all.


Instagram: @amirawrestler/@matravenphoto

Let’s get some cracking Irish cuisine in on the action. Is Amira a good cook? Who knows! But frankly the entertainment value she’d bring would more than make up for it!


Instagram: @tonyknox99

We’d be keen to see if too many cooks would spoil the broth when Mark Andrews, Dani Luna and Flash Morgan Webster got together in the kitchen! Would they all have their own duties or would chaos reign.


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