Dream Holiday Destinations of Wrestlers

Original image credits: @beyondgorilla/@tonyknox99/@forecastdesigns/@brightestdayphotography/@ringsideperspective/@wrestleography/@jetta_wrestle/@jimquisition/@theheaddrop

SUMMER is upon us and that means it’s time for us all to pack up our suitcases and head off on our holidays.

With that in mind we decided to take a dip into our podcasts - which you can watch on our YouTube - and take a look at our Anatomy of a Pro Wrestler feature.

One of the questions we ask is: ‘your dream holiday destination’.

So let’s take a look at the dream holidays of some of our favourite wrestlers.

Ivy - Japan and Hawaii

Credit: @sandysmith

“We’ve looked into this and you can fly from Japan to Hawaii. So we want to go to Japan first and then to Hawaii from there”

Scotty Rawk - Australia

Credit: @brightestdayphotography

“I’d love to go to Australia, I’ve always wanted to go to Australia. I find marine life very calming, anything under water has always interested me. My goal in life is to go to the Great Barrier Reef.”

Charles Crowley - Japan

Credit: @beyondgorilla

“I want to train there. I want to be beaten to crap. By destroying your body they train your mind and that really appeals to me.”

Alexxis Falcon - New York

Credit: @tonyknox99

“Other than Disneyland it would be New York. I’ve been to New York before and I absolutely love it. I’d love to live there.”

Will Kroos - Banff, Canada

Credit: @ringsideperspective

“I’d love to go to Banff or somewhere like that. I love skiing!”

Lucia Lee - DisneyWorld

Credit: @wrestleography

“I’m not a fan of the beach so I wouldn’t go anywhere ‘beachy’. Oh, this is easy! DisneyWorld! I’ve never been, I’m desperate to go! I see Alexxis posting about Disney all the time and I’m so jealous”

Jetta - Egypt

Credit: @jetta_wrestle

“This is gonna sound boring but I really love history and old buildings and I’ve always been fascinated by the pyramids so I’d love to go to Egypt.”

Gene Munny - Wherever The Food Is

Credit: @theheaddrop

“When I travel I like to eat. I eat like how Jason Statham wants to get electricity in Crank. So I love holidays where I can go all inclusive, like in Mexico, and come back a stone heavier and have no regrets….or maybe a tour around Italy.”

Alex Windsor - America

Credit: @britwrespics

“I’d love to do Route 66! You’re not in one place, you’re discovering loads of different places. The food would be amazing!”

Commander Stephanie Sterling - Staycation…or China

Credit: @jimquisition

“To me the best holiday is just…my bed! But otherwise, I guess I’d like to visit China one day. I’m a big fan of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a historical romance novel which one of my favourite games - Dynasty Warriors - is based on.”


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