An ‘Escape From The Real World’ - International Women’s Day 2023

As part of our celebration of International Women’s Day, we’ve asked some of the hard-working and most passionate fans in the British wrestling scene to share their experiences of the industry. In this feature we head over to America to hear from huge Pro Wrestling EVE fan and advocate for women’s wrestling, Millie Carden. I spoke to her about her experiences of being a female wrestling fan…

What really ignited your passion for wrestling?
Well, I first discovered wrestling as a kid watching it with my dad. I’d say discovering Lita, Trish, Victoria etc. and the main event between Trish and Lita initially ignited my passion for wrestling. I fell out of love with it on and off until I discovered Pro Wrestling EVE and Jetta and was instantly pulled back in. I saw one of her matches with Toni Storm and just fell in love with her clear passion for every part of wrestling and her character work. 

What do you enjoy most about your role in the wrestling community? 
I just love being a fan and supporting so many passionate people in the community and the comradely of it all. Of course there’s gonna be bad eggs that’s gonna happen but I’ve personally interacted with far more good than bad. 

Do you think you get treated differently because you’re a woman in wrestling?
I actually don’t really at all think this which honestly does kinda surprise me. I do see it happen quite a bit to other women and it’s so stupid. I would also think people would question my love for it seeing as I’m in a wheelchair and could not physically do it. If anything it’s usually just the typical “you know it’s fake right” which few things get me more heated than that statement. 

Do you think there are more roles for women in wrestling now than when you started watching?
Oh absolutely I do! I do think there’s still along ways to go but it’s come so far from women just being the eye candy or managers or being humiliated any chance someone is given to do so. Now, if you want to do those types of roles there’s opportunities there instead of being forced or fired. 

Is it easier now to find female wrestlers you can watch and identify with than it was when you started watching? 
100%!!! These days there’s such a variety of female wrestlers who can be absolutely anything they want to be without having to fit into one specific mold! It’s so much easier to find someone you identify with in some form or fashion no matter where they are! 

Do you think things are changing for women in wrestling now? 
I definitely feel like they’re starting to be treated as more of an equal to anyone else in the business. I also think there’s so much that still needs to be fixed especially in certain places. The women deserve to have the same amount of matches on cards and given a good amount of time to show they can go just as hard as anyone else. Stop with the “WOMEN’S MATCHES” on cards and just give them the opportunity to show up and show out no matter where it is or who is opposite them in the ring. 

What makes you happiest about wrestling? 
For me wrestling is an escape from the “real world”. When I was little it was watching the equivalent to hero’s defeating villains. As an adult it’s gravitating to the character work and the passion and hard work of the human beings outside of their characters. Seeing those I’ve gravitated to succeed makes me feel like I’ve lived it as well. 

What has wrestling added to your life? 
It’s really kinda hard to put into proper words how wrestling makes me feel. When I’m going through hard times or need a distraction from something or my anxiety gets me and I can’t sleep I’ll just watch my comfort matches and it makes me feel better. It’s brought so many people into my life that no matter if I ever get to actually meet them in person I know that they genuinely care. 

Who are three women in wrestling who inspire you? 
The ones that will always instantly come to mind are Mia Yim, Jetta and Charlie Morgan! 

Who is one female wrestler people need to check out? 
I will always say every since I discovered her that everyone NEEDS to check out Laura DiMatteo! 

What’s your favourite wrestling promotion? 
Pro Wrestling EVE!!! 

What’s your women’s wrestling dream match? 
Oh jeez this is a hard one! I would have to say here in the USA has to be Mia Yim vs Killer Kelly! Elsewhere it would have to be…hmm…this is REALLY hard…right now I’d have to say even though they’ve wrestled eachother in various matches I’d love to see The Royal Aces vs Emersyn Jayne and Alex Windsor (but can they coexist). 


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