“I Get To Watch My Friends Live Their Dreams” - International Women’s Day

As part of our celebration of International Women’s Day, we’ve asked some of the hard-working and most passionate fans in the British wrestling scene to share their experiences of the industry. In this feature we hear from Sarah Timmis, a wrestling announcer who works closely with a number of promotions and wrestlers in the UK. I spoke to her about her experiences as a woman in the wrestling industry and about the joy she takes from it…

What ignited your passion for wrestling?
My brother and I always used to watch it when we were younger, mainly the Attitude Era. I was always at the end of clotheslines or chokeslams during my childhood. 

As we got older I began to have different interests. When I was in my early 20s a friend from work suggested to me a night out with her to watch TNA at Manchester Evening News Arena. I thought, why not.

I remember the Hardy’s and a few other names from back in the day. That’s what ignited my real passion for wrestling. From then on I became a huge TNA fan, which opened the door to British wrestling for me. And I’ve never looked back. 

When did you know you wanted to work in the wrestling industry?
As I got to know people in the industry I used to do a lot of work behind the scenes, often as a merch girl. It wasn’t until working as a helper for Southside Wrestling where I wanted to get more involved in shows.

That’s where Rob Maltman came in; he gave me the push to ask Ben Auld if he would let me try my hand at backstage interviews and then eventually announcing. I can never thank Rob and Ben enough for giving me the push because, that was the start of me gaining confidence to do it and having now some unforgettable memories. Rob was a different level when it came to announcing, one of the top announcers, if not the top, in the UK. I could only dream of being that good! 

What do you enjoy most about your role in the wrestling community?
Watching my friends live out their dreams! The majority of my friends are wrestlers themselves. If I wasn’t so physically broken I would have loved to train myself, but being able to work closely with my talented friends and watching them thrive on the scene makes me happy. I’ve also had some unforgettable experiences and met some amazing people. 

Do you think you get treated differently because you’re a woman in wrestling? 
100% yes. It’s been rooted in the business for many years, the idea that women are the less superior when it comes to wrestling and that they should be only involved based on looks alone. Things are beginning to change and a lot has already changed, however I still believe there is a long way to go before genders are not seen in this business and everyone is treated equally and respected as such. 

Who are three women in wrestling who inspire you? 

It’s hard to chose just three but just from my role within wrestling I would definitely say Jen Louise, Kayla Braxton and Renee Paquette  

Who is one female wrestler people need to check out? 
Ivy! Some people may say I’m biased, as she is one of my closest friends, but you won’t find anyone else who disagrees with me when I say she is literally one of the  most underrated wrestlers in this country.

Her brains and love for this business is something rarely seen. The girl deserves to be on a big platform. I’ve seen how hard she’s worked these last few years and I believe she is destined for big things. 

What’s your favourite wrestling promotion? 
In BritWres I would have to say it’s currently 1PW. They are doing phenomenal things right now and their last show was amazing. Defo check it out. You won’t regret it. Seeing the likes of Lizzy Evo and Session Moth Martina killing it there too makes my happy. I can’t wait to see the first ever 1PW Womens champ crowned. 

Global scale- I will be forever a TNA/Impact fan the most.

What’s your women’s wrestling dream match? 
The IIconics/The IInspiration vs Lana Austin and Ivy - get the ear plugs!! 


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